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Open your Mind, Body & Spirit…

                 With my assistance, you have an opportunity to expand yourself by implementing changes offered to you so that you can live your best life moving forward with confidence and a strong foundation.

                There are different ways I can support you, clearing attachments energies or entities that can create negative thoughts and actions that create unformidable situations for you, even when you have the best intentions at heart. Over time negative attachments can even create depression and physical lethargy which holds you back from accomplishing your goals.

Allow me to clear the imprints, traumas and lower vibrational entities/energies from this lifetime or other past lives that cloud your everyday judgements that influence every part of your life making the same mistakes over and over.  With the information I channel for you from your higher-soul-self (with your permission)and my Guides & Light Team, along with the clearing of the old paradigms & imprints, this now allows you to walk with confidence and strength, clear to make  solid decisions going forward.

Sessions are held in-person or remotely, and my energy exchange is 60 minutes for $125 or 30 minutes for $65.  Couples or group bookings are welcomed. All sessions require payment in advance of scheduled session.  Cash is preferred, but I accept Paypal, e-transfer, & all major credit cards. 

I am honoured to start this personal journey of expansion with you…  




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